Best Home Businesses for People 50+ [Deluxe Edition] [Paperback]

I was kind of skeptical when I picked up this book. I was expecting to see comments of having a dream of being your own boss, etc. Then I found a section on Why a Home-Based Business at Fifty-Plus - and it was right on. the authors listed seven reasons people would want to keep working and Why a Home-Based Business at Fifty-Plus makes sense. The third reason was "Unexpected Problems Have Sidetracked Our Plans." My father worked for one company for 35+ years, then they laid him off. The sixth reason was "Ageism is a reality." A number of friends of mine have somehow found themselves out of jobs at fifty-plus and no one is interested in them. A few have gotten jobs of the Walmart greeter or McDonalds varieties. The happiest ones are running a small business at home.

My own observations are that you won't need as much money as you did while working. The second reason stated in the book was "We're Concerned We Will Need to Work." It reports that most experts say we need to replace 75%-80% of our income to live comfortably when we leave the workforce. That's probably true if you maintain the same kind of expenses. But after the house is paid for, the car is paid for, and the kid is out of college, your need for income can really go down. But I'm just quibbling over details. I would certainly agree that it would be difficult to live on Social Security alone. The authors then discuss some seventy small businesses that they have found fifty-plus people operating successfully. Of coure all 70 won't appeal to you, but you only want one. Above all else, these seventy businesses may serve as a starting point for you to decide on just that business that fits you. Good Book.

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