The book is divided into several sections, and is an enjoyable and easy read. It covers advice for steps to take when planning a home business, worksheets for figuring out your income requirements, information about marketing your business and finding customers, and warnings about potential pitfalls of certain common home business ideas. The book also provides lots of ideas for potential home business opportunities, and presents this material in a systematic and straightforward manner. For each idea, Carolyn summarizes the basic premise of the idea, the necessary skills, what you need to get started, tips for improving earnings and ideas for making it work with kids. There are quite a wide variety of options presented, which should appeal to a lot of different readers.
I work from home, and wish I had read this guide when I was first getting started. Even so, I found some new ideas for ways to increase my current income, and appreciate the practical advice provided in the guide. It is not a get rich quick scheme, and does not claim to be one. Carolyn has provided a good mix of personal experience and practical information here, and I would recommend this book to others looking for helpful tips and ideas for working from home.
Book Description
Publication Date: November 21, 2012
Real Moms Work From Home Secrets Revealed:
Over 12 years in the making, this content-packed book reveals the best-kept secrets for working from home and building a profitable home business while finding time for your family - when you have kids to take care of!
Do you wish you could quit your job and have time to spend with your family?
Do you need to generate some extra income, to help cover family expenses?
Are you trying to get your home business rolling, but not having much success?
Book price : Click here
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